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    Top Six Benefits and Uses for Red Light Headlamps

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    Top Six Benefits and Uses for Red Light Headlamps

    One commonly asked question about headlamps is why you might want a red light rather than white or any other color. Far from just being cool, there are some important safety benefits for red headlamp lights.

    Less Blinding Light

    When using a headlamp on a camping trip or nighttime activity, white light can be blinding and painful for humans exposed directly to the light. Red lights, on the other hand, are less disruptive and distracting.

    A red light can also help people sleep easier. White headlamp LEDs usually emit more light in the blue spectrum, which suppresses melatonin. This can make it more difficult for people to fall asleep after being exposed to white light, or can wake up people. By contrast, a red light would more likely allow them to keep sleeping.

    As an aside, this is why many alarm clocks have red light numbers - you can see it at night if you need to, but it won't disturb your sleeping pattern as much.

    Less Light Pollution

    If stargazing is part of the plan, then red light headlamps will create less light pollution than a white light. If a light is wanted rather than complete darkness, a red light will make it easier to see stars compared to white.

    Faster Focusing

    When transitioning from darkness to light, human eyes adjust faster to red light than white.

    Emergency professionals and first responders also utilize red lights. They help preserve night vision and decrease the overall light signature in low-light situations.

    The reason for this is that red light does not cause the human eye pupil to shrink to the same degree as more bluish/white light.

    Better Peripheral Vision

    Related to the blinding factor and faster focusing, red light helps preserve peripheral vision better than white light. Eyes adjust to white light, making it more difficult to see objects outside the cone of that light. With red, though, that peripheral vision is preserved because the eye does not adjust as much.

    Happier Wildlife

    Additionally, wildlife that may be roaming or sleeping will be less disturbed by red light than white. Just like with humans, having a bright white light shone at them may be disrupting or uncomfortable for animals. And depending on the animal, this could create a safety problem in a campsite if an animal feels threatened.

    So, while white LED headlamps still rule the market, consider a red headlamp for certain situations. Some headlamps have both white and red modes.

    Potentially Fewer Bugs

    Finally, there is a pest-control feature of red lights as opposed to white lights in headlamps.

    For decades, yellow light bulbs have used as bug lights. The rationale is that insects are less attracted to lights with a lower color temperature than white/blue lights with a higher color temperature. We've written about the benefits of bug lights in the past for attracting fewer insects. And by contrast to yellow bug lights, ultraviolet bug zappers take advantage of insect visual systems to attract more bugs.

    The same concept applies to headlamps with a red light or red light mode. Insects that might be drawn straight to a bright white light in the darkness won't be as attracted to the red light. The red makes it more difficult for bugs to see the light.

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